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Entando UX Standardization Program helps enterprises gain the benefits of a custom design system with reusable components that reduce the complexity to build scalable apps quickly.
By creating UI Libraries that can be accessed or downloaded via the Entando Exchange developers can leverage the components and templates that have already been built out as a baseline.
I worked as a UX Strategist (consultant) to help Entando establish and build out their UX practice. They wanted to provide an out of the box UI/UX that focused on Business Process Management applications.
Little UX focus had been put into some of the internal and developer tools as much of the focus for the company had been specific to building out the backend capabilities.
What I Did
Determine the UX strategy for the Sales and Marketing Team
Collaborate with marketing to promote UX via on the following articles/blog posts:
"UX" As A Saas Service/Feature
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